About MDH

Medical calligraphy meets science communication in left-handed psychiatrist’s lifelong pursuit of readability.

Dr Matthew Roberts is a Melbourne-based father, author, musician and psychotherapist. He is currently on leave from public engagements.

For a decade Matthew has specialised in clinical work and advocacy for mental health in men, women and children around pregnancy and early family life.

A passionate and engaging science communicator, Matthew has spoken at conferences and seminars, and run groups and workshops in community and institutional settings.

He is also a founding member of the Science Communication and Policy Group within the Australian Fatherhood Research Consortium

Matthew’s written and visual media work includes commissioned articles for clinical and research journals, and contributions for major websites, radio and television.

His creative short fiction has won awards, most recently RACV’s RoyalAuto Magazine Short Story Competition, judges for which included author Danny Katz and playwright Hannie Rayson.

He has also created dads’ mental health, wellbeing and advocacy website townhalldads.com (@townhalldads; facebook.com/townhalldads)

An amusingly long time and hairstyle ago Dr Roberts was Musical Director for his Medical School’s Student Comedy Revue for four years running, around a fifth of his life at the time.

Twitter: @drmwroberts

Email: doctormatthewroberts@gmail.com

LinkedIn profile: www.linkedin.com/in/drmwroberts

Worth noting:

1. Blog content represents Dr Roberts’ individual opinions only rather than representing any of the organisations for which he works or to which he belongs.

2. Content is not intended as medical advice.

3. Dr Roberts’ writing is grounded in clinical experience as a medical specialist in psychiatry; any reference to his clinical work may be taken as generalised rather than referring to individual cases, unless clearly stated.

4. No clinical material from any specific case will be used without appropriate permission and deidentification.

5. This blog is intended to stimulate thought and conversation, spreading ideas and approaches found useful in the stated settings; it does not claim to be academic.

6. Every effort to avoid plagiarism is made, with sources other than Dr Roberts’ experience and thought either acknowledged or stated to be unknown where this is the case.

7. Corrections, source information and respectful debate regarding the content is very much welcomed.

8. Dr Roberts kindly requests that any trolling be in Haiku form.


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